Presented by East Bay Community Energy
Are you registered for EBCE’s Renewable 100 Transition Webinar? Don’t worry, you still can!
The cities of Albany, Hayward, and Pleasanton have recently committed their cities to transition to renewable energy for their electricity supply! In January 2022, all businesses and residents will transition from their current plan with East Bay Community Energy to the Renewable 100 plan. Renewable 100 is 100% California wind and solar energy priced at 1 cent per kWh above PG&E’s generation rate.
The City of Dublin will transition its residential customers to Renewable 100 in January 2022.. Dublin businesses will remain on our Bright Choice option, but are encouraged to choose our Renewable 100 plan!
EBCE’s Brilliant 100 service is sunsetting in January 2022. Customers not otherwise transitioning to Renewable 100 will be moved to EBCE’s Bright Choice service, which provides a 1% discount to PG&E. If you want to commit to 100% clean energy, you can choose Renewable 100!
Join us to learn about this transition and ask any questions for live responses from EBCE! A schedule of informative webinars appears below. More information is available at
Recordings of the webinars will be available at
Note that residential customers participating in the CARE, FERA, and/or Medical Baseline programs will all be exempted from the transition to Renewable 100 and will remain on Bright Choice.
Renewable 100 Transition Webinar Registration Details
12/21/2021 (Tuesday) 12:30-1:30PM
Committing to Renewable Energy! (Commercial)
Register for zoom link here