Pleasanton 2025 Forums are a bi-monthly meeting, open to everyone in the community.
Pleasanton is widely recognized as a premier community in which to live, work and do business. The business climate is a key driver of the community's success. Pleasanton businesses generate roughly 55% of the local tax base and collectively act as the community's economic engine.
The Chamber relies on Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision as its local public policy agenda, committing volunteer and staff time to work toward its fulfillment as a catalyst, convener and champion for all things Pleasanton.
On the second Wednesday of the odd-numbered months at 12:00 noon, the Pleasanton Chamber brings stakeholders together to focus community resources, time and talent to achieve greater understanding of issues, obstacles and opportunities related to Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision.
These meetings are held in a hybrid format, in-person at the Chamber or virtually via Zoom. Register in advance for the Zoom link here.
Pleasanton 2025 Forum May Meeting Guest Speakers
Angel Moore, Chief Operating Officer of the Alameda County Fairgrounds, will provide an update on current and future activities at the fairgrounds; and Bridget Karl, Executive Director of the Pleasanton Downtown Association, who will talk about the PDA's plans for 2023.

Date and Time
Wednesday May 10, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT
This meeting will be held in a hybrid format. In-person at the Pleasanton Chamber and virtually via Zoom.
Register in advance for the Zoom link here.
Free, open to everyone in the community