The March Networking Mixer is a joint mixer with the Pleasanton and Dublin Chambers of Commerce and is hosted by American Legion Post 237.
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As a patriotic Veterans organization dedicated to serving our fellow Veterans and Service members, American Legion Post 237 participates in programs that promote duty and honor through patriotism in our communities and seeks to inspire others in the spirit of volunteerism. Find out ways you can partner with us and reach out to the military community. Visit American Legion Post 237 online and on Facebook.
Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 8, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST
Networking mixers are a benefit of chamber membership, and are free for chamber members to attend. Prospective members can attend one mixer for a $25 fee in order to evaluate the benefit of chamber membership. Contact Dawn Wilson if you are a prospective member.
Take a look at our Attending Mixers 101 information page if you have questions about our networking mixers.