View map of event location and parking
This Multi-Chamber mixer and Ribbon Cutting with the Pleasanton, Dublin and San Ramon Chambers of Commerce will take place at Dublin San Ramon Services District's administration building in Dublin.
Refreshments and prizes
--Celebration located on the back patio, east side of the building
--Limited parking, see this map here
Hosted by Dublin San Ramon Services District
Join us for Dublin San Ramon Services District's grand reopening. We are finally back in our office which was flooded in late 2018. Our return was further delayed by COVID. Visit our remodeled space.
Unveiling of our mural
Come see our new marine life mural! Meet the artist Darren Greenwood and talk to him about his creative process.
Demonstration Garden stroll
Amble through our renovated Demonstration Garden and enjoy the beauty of drought tolerant plants.
Attending this mixer is a benefit of your Chamber membership. Prospective members should contact
Current COVID protocols provided by the California Department of Public Health and Alameda County Public Health Department will be followed. Please remember this guidance is subject to change and that the Chambers and host will be working together to ensure a safe and successful event.
Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
Celebration located on the black patio, east side of the building
Limited parking, see this map here
Networking mixers are a benefit of chamber membership, and are free for chamber members to attend. Prospective members can attend one mixer for a $25 fee in order to evaluate the benefit of chamber membership. Contact Dawn Wilson if you are a prospective member.